Topic: Filmmaker

MelibeeGlobal Speaker - Jeffrey Binney Side Profile on mountain trail

Jeffrey Binney

Jeffrey Binney was losing his mom to a health crisis. His fear for his own health turned this comedic, non-athlete into an ultrarunner. His inspiring film and storytelling will motivate you to do what feels impossible - even at work. Book inspirational speaker Jeffery Binney through Melibee Global Speakers.

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Aman Ali

Aman Ali shares his heartfelt, funny, human stories about being Muslim in today’s world.  Storytelling is his superpower.

Past Speaking Engagements

Augusta University
New England Study Abroad Conference
Skidmore College
Saint Louis University
Widener University
Elmhurst College
National Society for Leadership and Success
United States Department of State

Speaking Options

Creating Inclusive Spaces At Work (for virtual or in person teams)

As a person of color, Aman deeply understands the importance of creating safe and inclusive spaces for diverse people what true allyship looks like.  In this talk, Aman uses storytelling to build trust and to remind us of how necessary DEI is in the workplace and what simple steps companies can take to make all people feel heard and seen.

Muslim In The Next Cube (for virtual or in person teams)

If you’ve ever wondered what happens when that Muslim colleague of yours slips out to pray, or what that unique food s/he is heating up in the microwave is, or why your colleague may avoid shaking hands with the opposite sex, you’ll be in for some answers! In true Aman Ali style, this is a fun and lighthearted way for human resources, employees and teams to imagine creating a welcoming and respectful environment for the Muslim employees in your office.

Ask Me Anything – I’m Muslim!

Aman Ali was raised in Ohio and as he describes, he “was the only brown kid” in his school. As a result, he has spent his lifetime explaining his Muslim faith to others and has learned to do so with sensitivity, humor, and an open heart. There are NO questions that he won’t field as he has likely answered them before! If you wonder who Muslims worship, what it is like to fast at Ramadan, what happens at the mosque, how dating works, why some Muslims don’t touch alcohol and some do, why Muslims come from many different ethnic backgrounds, how praying in a language he doesn’t speak fluently is important, and why Mecca is a goal for Muslims, THIS presentation is for you! Through storytelling and humor, Aman presents a crash course in Islam 101 (in a playful way) and then fields questions.

Stand Up Comedy

Aman is a journalist by day, but a stand up comedian almost any other hour of the day! He is a superb storyteller and his humor crosses all faith, ethnic and age groups. His “funny bone” has been featured on HBO and in countless comedy venues around the world. 

Selected Media

Sizzle Reel


Aman Ali on HBO



“Splendid is really too conservative of a word to describe what Aman did yesterday. He is really good at reading an audience and was supremely engaging. Thank you for providing us with this opportunity–Definitely money well spent!” 
Administrator, Ashland University

“Aman truly is a wonderful storyteller! He really connected with our students by opening up with humor, and I could tell they felt comfortable asking him questions. Aman’s stories show that if we all just talked openly with people more often, the world would be a much more peaceful place. Very inspiring.”
Tiffany Takahashi, Administrative Assistant in the International and Postdoctoral Services Office at Augusta University

“I really can’t say enough about what a great presentation Aman gave last night. I think the opening stories and comedy made students so much more comfortable to be engaged. A coworker and I actually noticed a lack of uncomfortable shifting in seats and the accompanying squeaking as the night went on. I was proud of our students for asking good questions – Aman did a great job of making it a comfortable environment to ask anything. I think the work Aman is doing is so important and it was awesome to see students get that, too. It’s been awesome to work with you – we meet again in January to start our discussion of next year’s IEW lineup, so I’ll be reviewing your website. Thanks for being so helpful and easy to work with.”
Samantha Fracka, Marketing and Web Specialist, International Programs, Missouri State University

“We had a great event with a great turnout from the Edgewood and broader Madison communities (over 150 people!). I’m very hopeful that Aman’s show gave people a new/different perspective on Islam and energized them to engage in interfaith dialogue…all while laughing and having fun. Thank you for all of your guidance, patience, and coordination throughout the past few months. You have been wonderful to work with! Last night was an early kick-off to our celebration at Edgewood and we’re off to the most amazing start. ”
Sara Friar, Co-Director of Global Education, Edgewood College

“It was one of the best events I have ever been to at my university (and I go to almost one a day). The two presenters were great speakers and kept it interesting.”  – Student, DePauw University

“Hearing the story of your journey reminded us how amazing being a Muslim American actually is. It was nice to hear the stories of Muslim families trying to make it in the US. Nicely done!” 
Student, Loyola College

“For the first time, I felt like I could really connect in a way with those who follow the Muslim faith. Their use of humor was, I thought, a much more effective tactic for engaging others in inquiring further into Muslim-American identity than typical news stories, which tend to promote misunderstanding and fear. Laughing at or with something makes it seem much more approachable. I really appreciated Aman’s use of humor in telling a story that not many non-Muslims would initially be able to relate to.”
Student, DePauw University

“Saw you last night at Harvard and thought your presentation was fantastic!”
Student, Harvard University

“I think it is great what you are doing and you also inspired me to embrace my religion more than I do – thanks Aman!” 
Student, Ramapo College

About Aman

Aman Ali is an award winning storyteller in New York City and one of the most popular social media personalities in the Muslim community today. His passionate and animated tales he regularly posts to Facebook continue to go viral by the thousands daily. In 2015, he was named by YouTube as a “Content Creator to Watch” and in 2016 he was invited guest at Eid Al-Fitr at the White House. 

Aman is also one of the only young American Muslims in the public spotlight today. He’s made appearances on dozens of media outlets such as the New York Times, CNN, HBO, BBC, and NPR to talk about the shenanigans of growing up as a Muslim in America. He has presented at Google, YouTube, The Newseum, National Association for Campus Activities (NACA), Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities (APCA), Tribeca Film Institute, Sundance Film Institute, US State Department (and at 15+ U.S. Embassies around the world), The United Nations, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Good Pitch USA. 

Aman has performed in 27+ countries and all 50 states to crowds of all ages, cultures and religions by bringing people together with his heartfelt stories. He was dubbed as one of the top newsmakers of 2010 by CNN for his project 30 Mosques in 30 Days – a 25,000 mile road trip he took driving to all 50 states in the U.S. with the mission of telling groundbreaking stories of Muslim Americans.

Aman’s skill in painting pictures with his words comes from his strong journalism background. Ali spent almost 10 years traveling the country as a crime and politics reporter for several news outlets including USA Today, Reuters, Yahoo News and CNN. 

In his latest creative venture, Aman has served as the co-director of the documentary “Two Gods” about a group of Muslim morticians trying to stop gang violence in Newark, New Jersey. 

Who Caught Your Eye?

Melibee Global Speakers is a boutique speaker booking agency, laser-focused on the needs of event professionals in any industry or field seeking to book diverse keynote speakers and corporate edutainment. Our mission is to provide an easy, customer-friendly, efficient and trusted talent booking experience.

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